Thursday, October 26, 2006

The name game

Serenity is a common word, but serendipity isn't just as obvious. The word was coined by Thackeray for the name of a character, Princess Serendip. The word as I've used it means a lucky accident, the good side of chance. A friend of mine took a dislike to poor dear serendipity, saying that it sounded like a cutesy little elf. But remember that luck isn't always obvious when it happens to you, she typed darkly...

And as for the web address, Mira is the name of the cat (means look in Spanish). Tara is a Buddhist Bodhisattva, the godlike figure made of light who symblises fearlessness and generosity. An excellent combination. When I work out how to post pictures, Tara will be the very first one. An important figure in the land of snows, Tibet. Abyssinia, dear imaginary reader. Serenity now!

*** Oooops sorry, serendipity came from Horace Walpole. Wikipedia explains it here:

*** Abyssinia is a jokey way of saying 'I'll be seein' ya', a joke which often falls on deaf ears and eyes.

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