Friday, October 27, 2006

If I had a good quote I'd be wearing it

And that of course was said by the venerable Bob Dylan back in the sixties. Here are some more fabbo quotes:

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.
-- Carl Jung

There is nothing stable in the world; uproar's your only music.
-- John Keats

A man's maturity consists in having found again the seriousness
he had as a child at play.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

To find a form that accommodates the mess, that is the task of the
artist now.
-- Samuel Beckett

Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting.
-- Alan Dean Foster

One must have chaos within oneself if one is to be a dancing star.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

And the daddy of them all!

“Everyone has loved and been loved. We lie about this and pretend it was otherwise. We want some other love than the one we had, some other history. But we have loved and been loved.”

from Profane Friendship by Harold Brodkey. I searched for this book for years and it was a bit of a disappointment when I found it. Set in Venice though, that was something.

And just to remind me why I'm a Buddhist, here are some more words from the Buddha in the Dhammapada: “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with an impure mind And trouble will follow you As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart…Speak or act with a pure mind And happiness will follow you As your shadow, unshakeable.”

There, it's easy, isn't it?

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